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Felicity Pain

Mohammad, Ghodsieh’s cousin, along with his mother came to the city where Ghodsieh lived and stayed there for ten days. Mohammad’s mother brought up the marriage proposal on the spot. During their stay, Mohammad was able to win everybody’s heart. She was educated, but Mohammad had to leave school. She acknowledged to get married to Mohammad since he was kind, warm and wore a sweet smile. A couple of months later when they could hardly hold a wedding ceremony and buy a house in Tehran, the revolution was in its infancy and Mohammad was one of the revolutionists.Mohammad, Ghodsieh’s cousin, along with his mother came to the city where Ghodsieh lived and stayed there for ten days. Mohammad’s mother brought up the marriage proposal on the spot. During their stay, Mohammad was able to win everybody’s heart. She was educated, but Mohammad had to leave school. She acknowledged to get married to Mohammad since he was kind, warm and wore a sweet smile. A couple of months later when they could hardly hold a wedding ceremony and buy a house in Tehran, the revolution was in its infancy and Mohammad was one of the revolutionists.

They had two children when the war broke out. Mohammad headed for the battlefield and soon he raised to the rank of the commander of the logistics units; if he were not there for a day, many would be hungry or shelterless. That was the reason he rarely went home. However, what would Ghodsieh, having two children, do without him? Particularly, at that time when her house was inside the military base in the vicinity of the battlefield. The educated Ghodsieh was also supposed to be in charge of the families residing in the base: responsibility of ten families. She needed to deal with their affairs, to be an intermediary between the officials and the families, and even to inform the women about their husbands’ martyrdom; something far beyond the common people’s ability.      
‘Felicity Pain’ is a narration of the life of Martyred General Mohammad Ebadian, one of Iran’s military commanders in the war against Iraqi Ba’athists, in the words of his wife.


Additional Info

  • Size: Pocket book - 4.25" X 6.87"
  • Genre: Memoir, War Analysis
  • Pages: 94