Islamic Civilization Discourse Institute
There is a proverb in Persian denoting, "The dark days will pass and the malicious will be disgraced." A tale of winter is the tale of cruelty, bloodshed, and fighting against them. The tale of oppressors whose power and violence once are gone and what left is their notoriety, just like the destiny of the Shah of Iran, Saddam and his power and authoritarian regime in Iraq, and just like all other tyrants.There is a proverb in Persian denoting, "The dark days will pass and the malicious will be disgraced." A tale of winter is the tale of cruelty, bloodshed, and fighting against them. The tale of oppressors whose power and violence once are gone and what left is their notoriety, just like the destiny of the Shah of Iran, Saddam and his power and authoritarian regime in Iraq, and just like all other tyrants.Abbas was raised by his father to fight the American-supported Pahlavi regime. When his older brother was captured by SAVAK (Shah’s intelligence service), he began his campaign. After the Islamic Revolution, Abbas was a revolutionary who left everything he had behind to fight against Saddam who had invaded Iran armed to the teeth and had the support of other nations. He was taken prisoner during the war. In Saddam’s prisons, he was tortured by the Ba'athists and even worse than them by the Iranian anti-revolutionary and traitor groups who had taken refuge to Iraq.Abbas's narration is an intriguing, intimate and unique one which takes readers from a prison to a torture chamber, and also from one battlefield to another. The atrocities Abbas Hosseinmardi observes are the ones the global media have ignored and now the time is ripe for reading about and understanding such inhuman deeds. The memoirs of Abbas Hosseinmardi have been collected and edited by Saeed Akef a recognized war author in Iran. Akef is a writer who is not under the influence of the official narrations of the war and who openly writes whatever he has heard or observed. His books are known to be impressive, clear, and honest. This book has been published for 56 times in Iran and is one of the most famous stories depicting what has happened to Iranian POWs.